World Day of Prayer 2020


Women, men, and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer, Friday, March 6, 2020. This year, the women of the WDP Committee of Zimbabwe call us to worship considering the words “Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk.” With these words as a backdrop, we are invited to learn about Zimbabwe’s history and rich cultural diversity. The WDP 2020 program is based on Jesus’ encounter with a person who, although positioned for healing, had not acted upon the opportunities given (John 5:2–9a). Jesus asked, “Do you want to be made well?” “Rise! Take your mat and walk,” said Jesus. Our sisters from Zimbabwe are taking Jesus’ encounter to be a call to act in love for peace and reconciliation. The action verbs in Jesus’ command suggest that we should not be afraid to act on the word of God. God is offering us the steps for personal and social transformation.

This year’s service will be held on Sunday, March 1st at the New Beginnings UMC located at 265 Main Street, Townsend, MA 01469.

Please invite your friends, family, and communities of faith to join the women of Zimbabwe in prayer and song to support ecumenical efforts toward justice, peace, and healing. The annual offering supports the work of World Day of Prayer USA and helps meet the needs of families in Zimbabwe and around the world who are victims of many forms of poverty, violence, and injustice.

World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday in March. World Day of Prayer was founded on the idea that prayer and action are inseparable in the service of God’s kingdom. Each year a different country’s committee serves as the writers of the World Day of Prayer worship service. And each year, we are called to action in response to the concerns raised by the writer country.

For more information, contact the national office of World Day of Prayer USA (

Wesley Class – Spiritual Formation

John Wesley quote

My Experience

I lead a Wesley Class on Mondays at 10 AM.  The Wesley Class was the foundation of John Wesley’s movement in England.  It is meant to focus the member’s attention on the places where God is moving in their lives.  When I started in my first class 15 years ago, I spent the ride to the meeting breaking my brain to think of where I might have seen God.  In less than a month, my ride to the class was spent in determining which time I saw God at work in my life that I wanted to talk about!!  God is always there doing things with and for you, but we seldom take the time to recognize him.

Class History

When settlers first started coming to North America, a woman who was a housekeeper at John Wesley’s home came with her husband and their children. Mother Peckett, as she became known here, studied under John Wesley and when she came here they moved to the Bradford, Vermont area.  It was sparsely settled and Mother Peckett and her husband started hosting Wesley Classes at their log home because there were no Pastors or churches available.  They also trained others to have classes and they continued once churches were constructed.

Getting started

I hold the class at the church and is open to any who would like to attend and give it a try.  If you can’t come to class, you can pose the questions to yourself:

  • Where did you see God in the past week and what did it mean to you?
  • What did you do for your church?
  • What did you do for your neighbor? Remember, your neighbor is the whole world!

I know that many of you work and wouldn’t be able to come in the morning.  Please know that I would be happy to set up an evening class, just get in touch with me.

Brenda B.



Brenda Bennett