Church Services Canceled

Dear NBUMC family,

The Center for Disease Control has recommended that we do not gather in groups larger than 10 people. As a result, we are canceling public worship at NBUMC this week. We will continue to follow the CDC and New England Conference guidelines closely in the coming weeks leading up to Easter.  

With our public worship canceled, we are looking into worship experiences online. Many churches are streaming services using a church’s Facebook page, while others are using video conference services like WebEx and Zoom. The goal is to find ways to pray, sing, and read scripture together.

What communication channels would you prefer to keep our congregation connected?

You and your family have probably had moments of anxiousness, isolation, and longing for companionship. Many in our community are feeling the same way, and we must continue our ministry.  Our small group Wesley Class is meeting and practicing safe ways to be together.  People in our community remain hungry, so we are planning to hold our Community Supper in April as take-out only.

As we limit how and how often we interact in our daily lives, let’s continue to think of creative ways to safely be in fellowship with one another. Together, we can bring compassion, encouragement, joy, and love to our neighbors in these dark times.

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