In this 35-minute video, I lead you and the community in celebration of the second Sunday of Advent, with an Opening Prayer, and lighting the 2nd Candle of Advent, Peace. Join in as we recite the Prayer of St. Francis and read the scripture readings from Isaiah 40 and Mark 1. Enjoy listening to Liz Cataldo on the keyboard, and a recording of “Comfort ye, Every Valley (Handel’s Messiah)” by the Gramophone Chorus. Take part in the practice of Communion and be forgiven.
As we take time to reflect on the Advent Candle of Peace, we understand why God’s command to “Comfort my people” was indeed an order. We do not need to be told to comfort those we love, agree with, and can relate to. However, many times we do require a directive to console those people who we do not like, agree with, or understand where they are coming from. And to be clear, we are talking about ALL people. I am my brother’s keeper, all the time. I am my sister’s keeper, all the time.
At this very moment, we have a chance to start over and it begins with forgiveness. You must prepare the way by acting justly, loving merciful, and walking humbly.
A copy of the sermon can be found by clicking the link below.
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