Sunday’s Message “I want justice—oceans of it”

In this 28-minute video, I lead you and the community in worship, sharing an opening prayer by Mary Elizabeth Moore, Dean of the School of Theology at Boston University and inspired by Psalm 78. Liz Cataldo beautifully plays “Rejoice the Lord is King” on the keyboard. Our Call to Worship comes from Genesis 37, and readings from the 2016 UMC Book of Discipline, Genesis 18, and Amos 5:21-24.

Do you know what I want?
    I want justice—oceans of it.
I want fairness—rivers of it.
    That’s what I want. That’s all I want.

Amos 5:21-24

2020 has been a tough year and I have a request.

I propose we practice radical hospitality.

I propose we welcome the stranger.

I propose we look out and up, rather than inward and down.

I propose we be willing to be wrong.

I propose we search for new ways to be of service, and to worship God.

I propose we bend to our knees and wash the feet of another before we speak.

I propose we listen, really listen to the small spark inside of all of us that calls us to build the beloved community.

Are you up to the challenge?

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