Sunday’s Message “What makes us wise?”

In this 27-minute video, I lead you and the community in worship. We begin with Liz Cataldo playing the piano beautifully, prayers for our loved ones, an Opening Prayer by Rev. Meghan Stowe inspired by Ecclesiastes 3, and the Call to Worship from Roddy Hamilton. We read the Bible scripture this week is a familiar one, “The Magi Visit the Messiah” in Matthew 2.

What makes the three men in the bible story, wise?

I argue knowledge without application is useless. These men were wise because they were able to see past a peasant home, and a young child to recognize Jesus as a Messiah and lay their gifts before him. The wise take the truth for what it is and then act upon that very truth.

In closing, I conduct a virtual Thanksgiving and Communion service and recite the Lord’s Prayer.

I encourage you this week to seek the truth, recognize it in whatever form it presents itself, and act upon it with conviction. In doing so, you will help build the beloved community.

Special thanks to videographer, Linda Jones.

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